Pure Tone® Multi-Contact Output Jack Made in USA

Pure Tone® Multi-Contact Output Jack Made in USA
(Please Read the Details)
If you are looking for top-of-the-line jacks for your instrument, this is it!
Best quality Pure Tone Jack MONO and STEREO
Use this to replace your noisy, grounded, and scratchy output jacks.
Pure Tone output jacks are cleaner, more robust, and more precise.
Unlike the typical single contact jacks, the Pure Tone Multi-Contact Output Jacks offer two contact points for positive and ground to keep cables secure and your signal constant over time.
Test and see the difference!
The patented Pure Tone jack contains dual tension grounds and dual positive tips for optimal signal and the lowest possible noise.
A 100% increase in surface area at all contact points results in a more robust connection; as a result, high and low frequencies are much improved, resulting in a much more balanced sound without frequency spikes.
No more noise crackle caused by pressure grounds!
The Pure Tone jack allows for increased current handling at 500 volts for high current applications.
The tensioned design locks the cable securely while the increased metal mass carries more signal.
These premium quality and US-made parts are perfect for electronics upgrades!
How to choose:
Mono jacks are used on passive electronic equipment (no battery).
Stereo jacks are perfect for guitars and bass with active pickups, preamps, or active electronics.
Stereo jacks are also typically used for pedal effects and gadgets.
MONO - LONG thread height NICKEL color
MONO - LONG thread height GOLD color
STEREO - SHORT thread height NICKEL color
STEREO - SHORT thread height GOLD color
The MONO - LONG thread will fit any installation style. Jack Plate, Pickguard, or Control Plate installation like Stratocaster, Tele, Jazz bass, Pbass, and most guitars are okay. Guitars with a thick top or body installation like Gibson SG style is also possible using this jack.
The STEREO - SHORT thread option is perfect for Active Wirings like Guitars and Bass with active pickups or onboard preamps. The short thread is ideal for Jack Plate, Pickguard, or Control Plate installation.
Accepts standard 1/4” mono plugs
Required mounting hole diameter: 3/8" (9.53mm)
Mounting nut and flat washer included.
We specialize in custom guitar wiring and hand-wound pickups.
Please let us know if you have questions or clarification.
You can also check our website for more wiring guide info.
Feel free to send a message, and we will reply asap.
Thank you!